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KS2 Sports Day!  Congratulations to all children who took part - you were all fabulous!

KS1 Sports Day!  Congratulations to all children who took part - you were all fabulous!

You may have noticed a LSEAT double decker bus parked in the staff carpark.  We are very excited to tell you that the bus was gifted to us by the Trust and is going to be renovated to create a library for Belmont pupils.   They have also given us a pot of money from their Recovery Premium Fund which has enabled us to move forward in getting it refurbished.  Mr Jones one of our Premises Managers, is busy transforming the bus and we hope that it will be ready for September.  

Although it will finally be positioned in the KS2 playground, it will be accessed by all year groups across the school as much as possible.   To see how Mr Jones is progressing click below...

Please see below a presentation from Bexley Schools Admission Team regarding our current Year 5 children who will start Secondary School in September 2023.  It includes information for parents about how to apply for a secondary school place and about the selection test.

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